The Freesia IODSJ server provides indexing of major international journals, monographs, books, and proceedings. An author can get information about international journal impact factors, proceedings (research papers), and information on upcoming events.
All the journal pages have pointers to Web pages of the publishers which are integrated into The Freesia IODSJ stream pages.
The purpose is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open-access scientific and scholarly journals. If your journal is indexed & got a validated stamp from The Freesia IODSJ, you can request the calculation of the impact factor for your journal.
"In addition, The Freesia IODSJ is working on the next major task to link publications with all the publications in their bibliographies, thereby making possible a wide variety of publication and citation reports."
The Freesia IODSJ is for International Research Journals in association with leading universities.